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Understanding Your Consumer to Craft an Effective Marketing Strategy

Often in marketing, professionals overlook the importance of exploring the consumer’s mindset to understand their decision-making process, which is essential for demonstrating the necessity of your product.

Know your audience for a successful marketing campaign
Neil Patel/ How to Find Your Target Audience

Let me explain it to you: the buying process varies depending on the consumer. Some people spend months researching before buying a car to ensure they pick the optimal one, while others simply go to the dealership and pick one that looks pretty. For that reason, brands must understand these differences between consumers so they can persuade them to choose their products.

Luckily for you, today we will talk about three aspects you need to consider before putting together a marketing plan, and the good news is we are going back to our Disney examples.

Identify a Need

You have to research the reasons why a person may need to use your product, whether it is a real need or just a want. Your job is to convince them they need to buy it. Think about Disney;

going to a Disney park is definitely not a need at all, but its marketing team makes sure to advertise it as the most magical experience that anyone needs to experience at least once in their lives.

Understand your audience needs
By Disney Parks

Consider Your Target Audience

Once you know how consumers will see your product as a need, it is time to get into their minds and craft a specific audience. You need to select the group of people to whom your marketing efforts will be directed. For example, Disney has two clear segments of people that they speak to: Parents and Disney Adults. They know every parent wants to make their children happy, while the second group of people simply love

their products no matter what; everyone else falls in between these two groups. Remember:

“If you are talking to everybody, you are talking to nobody.”

You can learn more about Target Audiences from Neil Patel, who according to Forbes is one of the top 10 marketers of the moment.

Put Yourself in Their Shoes

Now that you have identified the “need” and know who your audience is, you have to think as they do. What would parents want to see from a Disney commercial to decide to take their kids on a trip? How do their consumer journeys work? Most parents will certainly do a lot of research on tickets, resorts, flights, and any other accommodations to make sure they plan a good trip, and Disney satisfies their needs by having many blogs with real-life moms who answer common questions, as well as targeting other marketing strategies to them and making sure they take the action to book a Disney vacation.

Understanding the consumer buying proccess
By Disney Institute

As you see, getting to know your ideal customer is deeper than it looks. We could be talking for hours about the many steps required for you to craft a solid marketing plan based on your audience’s needs. However, these three steps are a good way to build your ideal buyer persona.

Previously, we have talked a lot about marketing research. I invite you to revisit those posts and put your research skills into practice by getting to know everything about your consumers and what is going on inside their brains.

If you want to know more about the behind-the-scenes of the most magical place on earth while understanding different marketing strategies, join the community and subscribe to this blog. See ya real soon!

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