Digital Fan Experience Expert (A-Team) at Miami HEAT and Marketing Specialist at Biedermann Motech
“The Walt Disney Company is truly a well-oiled marketing powerhouse. Disney's integrated marketing approach has remained effective across all channels and platforms for a century, proving its understanding of its brand and how it grows and adapts to its audience. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic when revenue was declining from park closures and paused movie releases, Disney quickly took action and pivoted their focus to their D2C segment, creating more streaming content, and showcasing how adaptable they can be. They also took a step further and tapped into nostalgia, giving their audience much-needed emotional comfort during those challenging times when everyone was on lockdown with nothing else to do and when TV viewing was at an all-time high.
At its core, The Walt Disney Company is a master storyteller. This forms the foundation of their success across all marketing avenues, including brands, theme parks, movies, TV shows, merchandise, and more.”